Whether you're looking to lose weight, resolve digestive issues, improve relationship with food or manage a disease/condition...
You’ve come to the right place!​
I work with individuals and families to help them make real and lasting change in a way that is simple, easy and sustainable long term so they can:
Lose weight without dieting
Balance hormones
Manage perimenopause & menopause
Improve Gut Health
Create a positive relationship with food
Better manage a disease or condition
How I can help

My name is Louise Ellen Kaiser and I'm a holistic Nutritionist based in Darwin (born & raised in Perth) and I run an Online Nutrition Clinic as well as a Face-to-Face Nutrition Clinic.
Consults are offered via In-Person if you're based in Darwin or via Telehealth / Video for those based intra Territory or interstate
As a Nutritionist I work with you to implement dietary changes and lifestyle habits in a way that simple, easy and sustainable long term.
Please know I don't do dieting, nor do I overhaul your diet or recommend things that are time consuming or hard to put in place. I find diets simply don't work as they are restrictive, unsustainable and disempower individuals.
I am huge advocate for empowering you with the tools and knowledge so you can be equipped with everything you need to create sustainable change for the long term.​
You’ll be surprised at how a few simple changes can make a big difference to your health.​​
Benefits of Seeing a Nutritionist
As a holistic Nutritionist I can help you achieve your desired result faster than doing it alone due to having the knowledge, tools and experience to help point you in the right direction and support you on your journey.
During the Initial Consultation you'll receive a Personalised Diet and Lifestyle Plan that acts as a blueprint to get you started in the right direction.
This plan includes:
✅ Your Goals
✅ Diet and lifestyle habit recommendations
✅ An action plan to get you started; and
✅ Easy and tasty healthy recipes
If you're looking for help and support with losing weight in a sustainable way (inc. menopausal weight) I also have a 12 Week Weight Loss Program which consists of 6 fortnightly sessions and includes:
Coaching and accountability to help with motivation, being consistent and staying on track.
Reviewing your progress each fortnight, addressing blocks and setting fortnightly actions
Learning how to take control of your own health and being your own nutritionist​

"You'll be surprised at how a few simple changes implemented over a period of time can make a big difference"
Ready to take the next step?
If you're ready to:
Lose weight without dieting or feeling restricted
Create a positive relationship with food
Balance hormones
Better manage perimenopause & menopause
Improve Gut Health
Better manage a disease or condition
Then why not get started with an in person (or via video) Initial Nutrition Consultation by making a selection below.

Book Nutrition Consultation
(Health fund rebates available from: AHM, HBF, HCF, GU Health, Australian Unity, CBHS, Medibank and NIB only)